Managed Wi-Fi

Maximized Performance and Coverage

Managed Wi-Fi is the easy answer to the challenges of wireless connections in offices, farms, retail stores, restaurants, and more. You have better things to do than manage your Wi-Fi, so let YK handle it for you.


• Predicable Wi-Fi Performance
• Ease of Deployment and Scalability
• Local Service and Support
• Extended Range and Coverage
• Enterprise-grade Equipment
Monthly Lease Fee* $5 $15
Free Repair & Replacement
Remote Technical Support
Advanced Mobile Apps
Wi-Fi 6 Capability
Available Extended Coverage Options
On-site Support for Wi-Fi
Remote Device Connection Assistance
Remote Device Connection Assistance
Protect IQTM: Network Security**

*Additional equipment and installation may be required. Listed price requires service to be combined with internet services. See store for details.
**Additional monthly service fee applies for Experience IQTM and Protect IQTM.
NOTE: Depending on the size and building materials of a home, Whole Home Wi-Fi may require additional extended coverage equipment in order to provide Wi-Fi throughout the space.

Maximize Your Business's Connectivity with These Apps!


Gives you an instant snapshot of your small business network. Through the app, you can view all the connected devices on your network, set up guest networks, run speed tests, change your SSID and password, and more. CommandIQ™ puts you in charge!

Visit to get a download link, quick start guide, and more. Included with Managed Wi-Fi.


Offers protection against viruses, malware, and malicious websites, keeping your network and devices safe from cyberattacks.
$5.00 per month


Provides you with the tools needed to enforce the internet rules you’ve established for your office.
$5.00 per month